WE have had such a fun summer and I can't believe there is only one month left!! This summer is flying by. Although we haven't gone on any vacations or traveled anywhere we are loving all the little things we are doing with our little family!
Savannah loves her Uncle Spencer! She is fascinated by that
good looking face as you can see in this picture.
Something she is not so fascinated by is green beans.
This was the face she would give us after each bite.
She is saying, "Seriously mom? Out of all the great foods
out there you feed me this?"
She sure does love going on walks with Mom though.
Mom enjoys them just as much! It is nice to get out of the house and
breath in some fresh/dry/hot Utah air.
This is the smile I wake up to everyday.
Doesn't she look so mischievous... haha I love it!
Although she isn't a big fan of green beans she
LOVED rice cereal. I couldn't feed it to her
fast enough!
I could kiss those chubby cheeks all day!
Savannah is just chillin in her Bumbo while
Mom and Dad get some yard work done.
Can't forget to satisfy my sweet tooth every now and again.
I don't feel to guilty about eating these because I am eating a fruit
covered in chocolate... not just plain chocolate. ;)
Whelp... there ya have it. That is our summer. Nothing to exciting but it has been nothing but fun! Stephen and I love our little girl and our lives just revolve around her!
she is just so so cute!!! you guys look like you are having a blast xoxo