Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hudson James (10 and 11 months)

Hudson is getting bigger and bigger everyday! He is 11 months old and is still a handful but oh SO lovable. He weighs 19 pounds and is in the 35th percentile for weight.
He is currently breaking 4 teeth through on top and has been drooling like crazy. 
He has been more cranky and clingy then normal... prob due to all this teeth pushing through. Poor boy!
He has recently learned how to army crawl but will only be happy if I am in the room while he plays and crawls around. The second I walk away it is game over and he will cry until I pick him up.
Hudson has had a rough start to 2016. He has been sick on and off with ear infections and congestion. He ended up being allergic to an antibiotic and was covered in hives. 
It has been a rough couple months for mama and baby but we are getting through it and he is doing much better.
He loves going on walks and looking around at all the fun things outside.
He loves swinging on the swing at the park.
Loves when I bounce him on my knee and play peekaboo.
Smiles with his big open mouth grin at people everywhere we go.
Stephen loves that he is now reaching for him and feels so comfortable with daddy.
We adore this little boy and can't believe he has almost been in our lives for a year!
We love you Hudson!

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