Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mom, Savannah, and apples...

I enjoy spending one on one time with Savannah and Tammy Lee. When Tammy Lee goes down for her naps I try to do something fun with just Savannah. At times when my "to do" list is over flowing I will distract Savannah with a coloring book, toys, or a TV show so I can get as much done as possible within the hour. Other times, I try to forget about all the to do's and the overflow of laundry for the day and just enjoy the moment. This was a fun moment. I love just hanging out with Savannah and just enjoying this age. We laughed while eating our apples and took lots of pictures. She loves to take pictures and asks me to take them of her all the time. I can't believe she is almost 3 yrs old.
 Love you Savannah!

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